Ellie Lucas
 2023 Award

I am a senior at South Saelm and I have been in choir since elementary school. I was involved in theater, choir, and orchestra at Howard Street Charter School in middle school, and am involved in theater, choir, and debate, and art at South Salem High School. I began taking voice lessons last year through a scholarship at my school. I am a member of South Salem High School's Symphonic Choir, and we placed first at State this past school year. Apart from choir, I enoy mountain biking, art, and playing guitar! After high school I want to go into law and hopefully become a prosecutor, and I want to continue my involvement in choir throughout my time in college as well.

Kayla Baudree
Naomi Warren 
2023 Award

is a Senior at McKay high school. She is involved with Concert Choir and Scots-Appella, and she has traveled and competed with these groups in Oregon, Washington, California, and New York. Naomi performed with Concert Choir when they won second place in the state, sang in McKay's advanced jazz band which won first place in the state, and was a featured soloist in Scots-Appella which won second in the nation competing in ICHSA, an International Acappella competition. Apart from McKay, Naomi participated in All-State Choir, and won first place in district solo and ensemble for mezzo voice! Naomi hopes to pursue music throughout college and double major in Music Education and Vocal Performance in hopes of becoming a college choir professor! She has been studying voice under Beth Eck for the last year.

Jade Allen
 2018 Award

A gifted South Salem High School student. Jade attended Howard Street Charter School, where she was a dedicated competitive gymnast. Gymnastics involves commitment and poise in front of an audience, characteristics that serve her well now as she pursues excellence in vocals and theater. She further challenges herself by participating in cross country and track at school, and through Crossfit and dance lessons. In her work at CET (Children's Educational Theater) she has honed her skills as a singer, dancer and actor. Director Robert Salberg observes "one of Jade's strongest characteristics is that she gives 110% to everything she does, that's inherent in who she is." We at Salem Community Chorus look forward to helping Jade as she continues to develop as a vocalist.


Phoebe Jacobs
2018 award

Besides capturing numerous lead roles in West Salem High, Pentacle and Enlightened Theatrics musical productions, Jacobs has won three OSAA State Solo Championships—2015 Alto, 2016 Alto and 2017 Mezzo.  As a dedicated theater, dance and music student, she has shared her talents with local middle school students teaching and mentoring weekly.  Jacobs has also performed locally at many public and private events including singing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow “ to Gerry Frank on his 93rd birthday.  Additionally, she has learned American Sign Language and enjoys visiting with the deaf community.

Kayla Baudree
2019 award

Student at Salem Academy Christian School, takes a demanding course load of honor and college classes and is looking forward to graduation in 2020. Kayla’s goal is to become a math teacher, so she is taking advanced math classes. Kayla was inducted into the National Honors Society last year. She also held a position as a class representative for two years to help give her class a stronger voice. In preparation for a future position a worship coordinator, she is in choir. She is so dedicated, that when a class schedule conflict left her unable to take choir, she arranged to learn all the music through independent study so that she could still be part of the choral group.  The Salem Community Chorus is pleased to award the Kayla Baudree the Riesland Vocal Instruction Memorial Scholarship for 2019 ! A good candidate for both academic and music scholarships in being active in several school and community activities including Choir, has achieved several honors.

Dylan edited
Dylan Lewis 

He is a tenor singer and academic all-star from Central High School. As a member of the Central jazz choir and co-chair of the Thespian Society, Dylan has performed in numerous school productions. In addition, he placed 1st at the OSAA Regional Solo competition. He also was a finalist in the Oregon Thespians Regional solo musical theatre competition. This summer, Lewis was selected to attend and solo with the Oregon Bach Festival's Strangeland Family Youth Choral Academy.

Delfino Cervantes

 Our 2017 winner. In addition to being a member of McKay High’s Scotsapella, concert choir and men’s chorus, Cervantes played the lead role in the school’s production of High School Musical.  He also was a member of the All-State Chorus and ACDA Nationals.  Cervantes is an active volunteer including his church worship team, stints at Union Gospel Mission and LA Dream Center.  An all-around musician, he plays the drums, guitar and piano to complement his vocal talents.

Tony Beyer with chorus president Marilyn Whelan
Tony Beyer 

(pictured here with chorus president Marilyn Whelan). He is baritone singer and honor student from Blanchet Catholic School in Salem. In addition to performing in many of Blanchet's theater productions, Tony was the 2016 1st place and 2015 2nd place winner in the OSAA State Solo competition. He placed first in Regional's for both years. Beyer is also a soloist with the Salem Catholic Schools Foundation Inspire Ensemble, which toured Austria and the Czech Republic in 2015.
This spring, Tony was one of 30 students from around the country selected to attend the 3-week Washington National Opera Summer Program at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington D.C. Tony was one of two students out of 30 who were chosen to sing in the Kennedy Center Millenium Stage performance. 


Previous Riesland Scholars

Since 2008, the following students have been awarded the Riesland Vocal Memorial Scholarship:

2015-16: Hannah Boyack, Central High School, Mezzo Soprano
2014-15: George Zaichenko, Silverton High School, Tenor
2013-14: Zachary Williams, McKay High School, Tenor
2012-13: Trevor Mink, McNary High School, Bass
2011-12: Sasha Siclait, North Salem High School, Alto;and Tamsin Stubbs, McKay High School, Soprano
2010-11: Kyle Ludwig, North Salem High School, Tenor
2009-10: Brandon Busciglio, McNary High School, Tenor
2008-09: Elisheba (Ellie) Folia, West Salem High School, Soprano