Scholarship information

This is a yearly scholarship for a qualifying high school senior. It provides $1000 towards private vocal instruction with the student's teacher of choice. Its purpose is to assist the student in obtaining private voice lessons, thus increasing the student's eligibility for college scholarships.

The Riesland Memorial Scholarship was established in 2007 in memory of William "Bill" Riesland, who was a vital member of the Salem Community Chorus for many years. He loved music and loved being part of the chorus. Each week, Bill came early to rehearsals to set up the chairs. He also transported the risers to and from concert venues. This was always done willingly and with a smile.

In addition to chorus activities, Bill delivered for Meals on Wheels. Professionally, he was a landscape architect and a tax preparer. Always generous, he frequently donated his expertise to those who needed help with their taxes.

The application .pdf can be accessed here